
3 Swimming Tips That Could Save Your Life at the Lake


While we love knowing that you choose our facility to enjoy your summer, we want to make sure that everyone is as safe as possible while doing so. There are several safety tips listed throughout the pages of our website, and here are three more that you may not have thought of.


  1. If strong waves come around while you are swimming, swim parallel to the shore to escape. Trying to force your way through strong waves perpendicularly will quickly tire you out, giving you less oxygen and energy to properly escape the tide.


  1. Don’t drink the water. While lakes are generally safe to swim in, animals, people, and several forms of nature all share the water. The water could prove to be harmful if ingested, and it’s just better to avoid the risk. This also holds true at a chemically-treated swimming pool.


  1. If you find yourself unexpectedly in water that you think you may not be able to handle, relax your body in order to float. This will conserve your energy and bring your body safely to the top, all while reducing your stress.


We hope you enjoy every visit you make to our park, and have a fun, adventurous, SAFE rest of your summer!


3 Swimming Tips That Could Save Your Life at the Lake

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